
Spellbound SS11 Capsule Paris Collection Perview II

Source reposted elsewhere from Okiya

Hello all,

As you know, we presented the SPELLBOUND SS11 collection at (Capsule) in Paris. It was my first show and I've enjoyed it very much!
The temperature was scorching hot but that didn't stop us from meeting interesting people, talking about our new collection and mostly learning a lot about denim.

One day before the show I had a visit from my Japanese friends from Domingo. Uchida-san (the future President of Domingo), Tanaka-san (Production Quality Control manager) and Tamura-san (Spellbound Designer) came down to Antwerp to visit the Okiya showroom and I took them to see some really nice stores like Bellerose, Clinic, Hospital, A cut above and Your. They were very impressed and like Antwerp a lot (not to forget about our lovely chocolate and beers :) )!

Tanaka-san, Uchida-san, Tamura-san

The next day, we left to Paris and on arrival we met the main SPELLBOUND distributor, Ewing Blaek Cheng. We don't see each other often so it was nice to finally talk about things face to face! He brought with him a man that has a huge background in Japanese denim, Furuichi-san. We asked him bunches of questions and we are very grateful that he answered us each time with the same enthusiasm and openness. He really allowed us to learn so much in these 3 days, it's amazing! He's like a walking denim encyclopedia! Furuichi-san, as a close friend to the Domingo factory, also translated for us and our Japanese friends. 
Tanaka-san and Tamura-san explained very detailed about the production of Spellbound and at the right time we will share this information with you!
For now, look at how our show went and enjoy the images of the SS11 collection!
Natural Indigo Dye
6oz denim shirts
This season offers a large variety in denim fabrics from 10oz to 14oz
BD Work pant in sulphure (I love this color!!)
SPB designer Tamura-san
Main distributor Ewing Blaek Cheng
Click here to read the interview.
Okiya's head of the Creative Department: ROB!
Ewing Blaek Cheng, Rob Driessen, Tamura-san, Furuichi-san, Tanaka-san, Uchida-san in our (capsule) booth.
I absolutely love this panel. It's handmade by the staff at Domingo. 
The spelling is not always correct but you can feel the sincerity of the person that made it.

~~Thank you for Okiya ~~

SPELLBOUND 2011 Spring/Summer Collection Preview

Thank your for hypebeast.com to take this Collection photo.

by Staff, June 28, 2010

spellbound 2010 springsummer collection preview 0 SPELLBOUND 2011 
Spring/Summer Collection Preview
Featured is a preview of upcoming Spring/Summer 2011 designs from denim label SPELLBOUND. Crafted in Kojima, Japan, the brand’s garments take on the highest quality, working with Howa on washed garments, which utilize the same laundry as respected denim brands such as PRPS. Highlighted in this seasonal range are not only denim pants, but vegetable dye shirts and workwear, only using cotton and denim fabrics and featuring narrow triple stitching.
Photography: Hypebeast

spellbound 2010 springsummer collection preview 1 SPELLBOUND 2011 
Spring/Summer Collection Preview
spellbound 2010 springsummer collection preview 2 SPELLBOUND 2011 
Spring/Summer Collection Preview
spellbound 2010 springsummer collection preview 3 SPELLBOUND 2011 
Spring/Summer Collection Preview
spellbound 2010 springsummer collection preview 4 SPELLBOUND 2011 
Spring/Summer Collection Preview
spellbound 2010 springsummer collection preview 5 SPELLBOUND 2011 
Spring/Summer Collection Preview
spellbound 2010 springsummer collection preview 6 SPELLBOUND 2011 
Spring/Summer Collection Preview



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OMNIGOD 14OZ 洗水牛仔褲

這是小弟操的OMNIGOD 14OZ 洗水牛仔褲.

Model :50-009a
OMNIGOD 14OZ 男裝洗水牛仔褲是日本全人手製造的,14安士牛仔褲穿著時質感舒服,有一定重量。布料由傳統的梭織機織的,有清晰的紋理,穿著一段時間已出現獨特的貓鬚及洗水效果。廠商得別在褲的不同位置加上紅色油漆效果 ,加強牛仔褲的古典味。




 後腰Back Tag及褲側Tab Flag縫上OMNIGOD標記。

59-009a 最特別的,在不同位置會有一些紅色的油漆效果。

Roll Up後可見到OMNIGOD 牛仔褲均用橙線縫接。這是OMNIGOD得色之一。


Spellbound2010年秋冬牛仔系列 (A/W10)




Domingo - SPELLBOUND 新消息!!!

日本 Domingo - SPELLBOUND 品牌的全新網站 SpellboundJeans.com 將於今年7月初登場,大家可以到網站登記電郵,有最新消息及優惠會第一時間通知你呀!! 記得留意啦~~~